Houd uw Stakeholders dichtbij

Stakeholder management is a project process, needed to determine how project stakeholders will react on decisions about your project or program, what impact their reactions will have on your project and how they will communicate between themselves and with the project team. Projects and stakeholders are inextricably linked. A successful project team maps and analyses the project stakeholders completely, informs them correctly and timely with appropriate means, about the progress and impact of the project and any changes that may occur. In this way they create buy-in where necessary and will be prepared for headwinds when it occurs. In this short workshop you will learn how to map your stakeholders, make an analysis of their influence on your project and how to make stakeholder communications part of your project planning and execution. This workshop is part of the Hybrid Project Management (HPM) Series of training courses offered by Cadence. As with all Cadence offerings, the course format emphasizes practical and straightforward techniques to facilitate retention and immediate application after the seminar.

Is this the right workshop for me?

If you are a project manager, team member, scrum master or product owner, stakeholder management is essential to your project success. Invest a few hours of your time in this workshop, and you will never leave out stakeholder management from your projects again.

Workshop Overview

Uitkomsten van de training

  • Verken uw stakeholder-omgeving
  • Analyseer uw stakeholders op belang en impact voor project
  • Projectfasen en hun relatie met stakeholders
  • Organiseer betrokkenheid van uw stakeholders bij uw project
  • Hoe maakt u stakeholdermanagement een vast onderdeel van uw projectplannen en –uitvoering?
  • Hoe ziet een stakeholder management plan eruit?

Training informatie

F2F of virtuele training

Format: F2F, Virtueel, Open inschrijving, voor Teams of In-house groepen
Doelgroep: Projectmanagers, Teamleden, Scrum Masters, Product Owners
Duur: 0,5 dag
Groepsomvang: F2F: max 16 | Virtueel: max 12
PMI PDU’s: 4
Kosten: prijzenpagina. Team of In-house groep: vraag om een voorstel. Trainingskalender: Check de kalender voor trainingen binnenkort


  • State-of-the-art workshop sessie
  • praktijkervaren trainers
  • Direct na de training toepasbaar in de praktijk
  • Certificaat en 4 PDU’s (PMI®)

Andere relevante trainingen & services

  • Projectmanagement
  • Scrum Projectmanagement
  • Hybride Projectmanagement