Frank Kooijmans, MSc. CEO van Cadence Management Corporation. Werkte het grootste deel van zijn loopbaan in management training, coaching en consulting, in het bijzonder in Projectmanagement, bedrijfskunde, leiderschap en professionele vaardigheden. Richtte zijn eigen bedrijf op in 2003 en begon Cadence GSP Benelux in 2006 en vervolgens Cadence Europe in 2010, met Cadence kantoren in Europa. Nam Cadence Management Corporation wereldwijd over in 2018, met het hoofdkwartier in Nederland. Was bestuursvoorzitter van enkele Nederlandse bedrijven en instellingen. Ereconsul van de Bedrijfskunde Foundation in Nederland. Heeft een master degree in Economie van de Tilburg University. Profiel.
Bruce Fieggen, PMP, SMC, Managing Director Cadence MC USA, has been a certified Project Management Professional since 1999 and has over 30 years of experience in the medical device and pharmaceutical fields. Bruce is an accomplished Project Management Consultant/Seminar Leader and is responsible for developing methodology for Project, Program, and Portfolio courses in addition to specific focus courses and certification training. He holds seven patents. He is an experienced corporate officer, having provided high-level regulatory compliance and product development projects for global life science clients. He has managed multimillion dollar new product developments and coordinated half-billion dollar programs. He has also set up formal Project Management Offices and trained/mentored hundreds of project managers under his supervision. Bruce is a graduate of the University of Oregon.
John Kempeneers, MBA, PMP, is a professional change and project manager, with experience in different fields, for over 25 years. He is chief course developer of Cadence, very result oriented and an excellent communicator. He has been responsible for the design and implementation of Shared Service Centers, reorganizations(s), SAP implementations; strategic orientation of Business Units/production plants. His broad experience goes from project management to functional management. He is capable of translating strategic plans into practical realization by means of projects. He is an excellent coach with a strong focus on human dynamics. Profile.
Pauline Hoogervorst, Cadence Project Management trainer-consultant. Ontwierp en leidde belangrijke bedrijfsveranderingsprojecten met verbeteringen voor kosten, prestatie, service en veiligheid, in het bijzonder in de vliegindustrie. Heeft veel ervaring in digitale oplossingen. Is Cadence PM-gekwalificeerd en vaardig in end-to-end portfolio-, programma- en projectmanagement. Is sterk in het mobiliseren van stakeholders uit commerciële en operationele niveaus van organisaties, inclusief geoutsourcete en offshore dienstverleners. Heeft meer dan 25 jaar management ervaring bij diverse vliegmaatschappijen in Europa, Azië en het Midde-Oosten. Spreekt vloeiend vijf talen. Profiel.
Dirk Doppelfeld, Msc, PMP, leitender Projektmanagementberater und Schulungsleiter. Routinierter (internationaler) Projektmanager und Berater, hervorragender Projektmanager. Dirk Doppelfeld besitzt eine mehr als 20-jährige Erfahrung in Positionen der Funktionsbereiche internationale Geschäftsführung und Projektentwicklung in großen und mittelständischen globalen Unternehmen. Unabhängiger Projektmanagement-Berater. Director of Programs of the Paris – Ile de France PMI chapter, Member of the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA). Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch auf Muttersprachniveau, Englisch und Franzözisch fliessend. Ausbildung und Zertifizierungen: PMP (Project Management Professional – PMI). Universät Bonn und Universität Bamberg, M.Sc. Profil
Jeff Busch, PMP, Sr. Seminar Leader/Consultant is a globally experienced Project Management professional with over 38 + years’ experience of proven leadership, strong management skills, and strategic focus. He has consistently led cross functional teams for customer projects as well as facilitated business improvement projects utilizing client-based teams. Jeff is adept in consensus building, problem solving, project recovery, mentoring and implementing change. Jeff has decades of experience in government and construction projects.
Yukio Kohara, PMP, is an experienced project manager in information technology systems, developing projects in factories for customers in Japan, for over the last 25 years. Kohara san has been a certified Cadence Project Management Seminar Leader since 2005 and has taught the Cadence Project Management Seminar in Japanese for Fujitsu group and other companies. He is a senior professional in the Technical Innovation Center of Fujitsu Advanced Eengineering (FAE). Kohara san is a Project Management Professional certified by the Project Management Institute and a member of Project Management Association of Japan and PMI.
Daisuke Anryu, PMP, became a Cadence Seminar Leader in 2006. Anryu san is a manager and Project Manager in the Telecom Systems Business Group of Fujitsu SSL. He has worked for Fujitsu SSL since 1987, and has over 20 years of experience as a project manager of systems integration projects, ranging in size from five to 40 team members. Anryu-san is a Fujitsu Certified Professional (PM), Fujitsu SSL Certified PM (3rd stage), and PMP certified by PMI.
Loren Lazarony, PMP, SMC, has managed a variety of projects in areas such as IT, major events, and recruitment. He’s knowledgeable in Project Management, Agile, and Hybrid project approaches and for a decade he has provided F2F and virtual project management training to professionals in Europe and USA. In addition to project work, his 25 plus years of experience include finance and operations management. He obtained his Project Management Professional (PMP) certification in 2010, is Certified Scrum Master and Six Sigma Green Belt, and holds a bachelor in Business Administration from Ohio State University. Masters English (native speaker) and German (proficient). Profile.
Fabio Panzavolta, MSc, PMP. Senior Consultant, project manager, trainer, coach. 15+ years of experience in the field of Project and Program Management (banking, finance, IT, industry). Change manager; international Environment, multicultural teams. Project Methodology assessment in three regions (EMEA, Americas, Asia/Pacific). Consulting and implementation of project management methodology, tools, techniques and best practices improvements through coaching, training and team building initiatives. Panzavolta holds a university degree of Computer Science (Bologna, Italy): Masters in Computer Science, PMP (Project Management Professional) certified, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. Masters French, Italian, Portuguese and English. Profile.
Mika Holmström, Msc, PMP, Senior Project Management Consultant and Trainer. Seasoned (international) Project manager and Consultant, Innovative leader in change management environments, Excellent organizer and project manager, multitalented general manager, out-of-the-box innovator and coach, excellent training skills. Mika has over 25 years of professional experience in international B-to-B general management, sales & marketing, business development, project management and R&D positions in large enterprises and medium-sized global companies. Outside Finland: international project manager & project management expert. Independent Project Management consultant. Worked for international companies. English full professional proficiency, Finnish native, Swedish professional working proficiency. Education and Certifications – PMP (Project Management Professional – PMI), Helsinki University of Technology, M.Sc. Profile.
Edgar H. Hernandez Cañas, PDP, is an an international consultant in the area of computer science and project management for more than 20 years. He has developed integration and automation projects in Central America and the Caribbean. He has published articles in the technical area highlighting his investigations in the area of computer security. He possesses a wide experience in the training field and specifically in the Project Management area. He is a one of the principal instructors of Cadence’s seminars in Spanish. Edgar is owner of KM Consultores, Tecnologia y Proyectos. Has delivered the core of the Cadence seminar portfolio: from the Organizational Project Management (OPM) series – Project Management, Managing Project Management, Portfolio Management, Program Management and Executive Briefings – to the special focus series of topics – risk, and PM update training. Has global experience in delivering seminars ranging from 1 day to 3 days in duration. Provided project consulting and training services in variety of companies and industries. Assignments include: Teleflex, ICE, Sugeval, Supen, Racsa, Dobe and many more. Conducted all levels of Project Management training plus Rapid Project Startups. Edgar has facilitated project prioritization sessions at various companies. He is an active member in the Project Management Institute (PMI), and certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP). Perfil