The online PMP Prep course is designed to ensure that you pass the PMP exam on the first try. Our hands-on E-learning approach will help you to understand the workings of the process groups and knowledge areas defined by the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK Guide®. We guarantee you’ll walk away with all the preparation and confidence you need to conquer the exam and earn the PMP® certification. The E-learning PMP Prep course is structured with the goal of providing students exactly what they need to pass the PMP exam. Coursework is focused on the key topics and knowledge areas required for success on the exam. Our study strategy increases comprehension and retention of key elements, while also providing students with practical information that can be applied immediately to the project work environment.

Study anywhere, at your own pace, in your own time, available 24/7.

This workshop is part of the Cadence E-learning Certification Series.

Is this the right course for me?

This E-learning course is meant for candidates who do not have the time or means to take a face-2-face prep bootcamp, who are self-disciplined and used to study alone, anywhere, at any place.

What is included?

  • PMP® Application preparation video
  • 180 days of access to high quality HD e-Learning videos
  • 35 Contact Hours/PDUs
  • 29 Chapter Quizzes
  • 46 videos explaining the PMI® processes
  • 6 Simulation exams for when you have four hours to devote to a simulation exam
  • 24 mini-exams for when you only have an hour to devote to a simulation exam
  • Ask-the-expert feature
  • Optional: 500-page hardcopy color notebook containing all the slides, chapter quizzes and exercises
  • Optional: 8-page hardcopy color glossy study guide to take with you

There are a lot of companies out there who will be happy to promise they will help you pass but, after you attend their class, do you ever see them again? With Cadence, we will stay with you until you have those letters behind your name.

It starts with filling out your application which is not an easy process. We help you through this process to avoid the landmines that cause your application to be audited and you to be delayed.

Then you get access to all the videos and chapter quizzes that walk you through the knowledge you will need to master to pass your exam. Go through all these whenever you get a few free hours to study.

Need more? Then attend either a face-to-face or virtual class where one of our certified instructors will spend four days drilling you on the knowledge. You will be led through discussions, hear real-life stories and case studies and be put in pairs and groups to use the tools you just learned about on your real projects. This will help you cement what you are learning from a nebulous concept to a concrete understanding.

Then it’s time to take a practice test. You may find that you scored 80% on that first exam. 10% of our students do. Then go ahead and schedule the real thing. You’ll pass. If you are like the rest of us and need more help, that’s OK. You have six months of access to the videos, chapter quizzes and exercises and five more unique practice exams to take. You will follow this process map in an iterative process that gets you to that 80% passing rate at which you are ready for the real thing.







We have developed our own unique flow chart that shows you how all the processes flow into each other, where they fit within the process groups and its color-coded by knowledge area. This is your map to the PMBoK and it guides you through each chapter.

Training information

E-learning course

Format: E-learning – Online, Open enrollment or In-house groups
Audience: Project Managers, Associate/Assistant Project Managers, Team Leads/Team Managers, Team members, Project Executives/Project Engineers, Software Developers
Language: English
Duration: max 180 days
PMI Study Hours: 35
Cost: pricing page.
Multiple subscriptions or In-house groups: please ask for proposal.


  • Study at your own convenient time, at your own pace, 24/7
  • Get the best support to prepare for your PMP exam
  • First time right

Other relevant trainings & services

  • PMP Prep Bootcamp (F2F)
  • Scrum Certifications
  • Six Sigma Certifications